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Managing Projects

Multiple projects can be created and managed. All projects are independent of each other.

The projects are listed in the Projects page

Projects list

Recent Projects

All recently created and accessed projects will be shown on the Recent projects section sorted by the most recently created/accessed project

recent projects listrecent projects list

Accessing the projects

Projects can be accessed by clicking on a project on the Recent Projects section

recent projectrecent project

or by clicking on Project ID in the Projects list section

projects listprojects list

If a project does not have any uploaded data then the upload page would be shown while accessing the project.

directly uploading data to projectsdirectly uploading data to projects

Data can be directly uploaded to the project if the project does not have any uploaded data by clicking on the Upload data button

Editing projects

Project can be edited by clicking the edit button on the right side of each project in projects list

projects list edit projectprojects list edit project

Parameters that can be edited

Learn more about the parameters here